
Extendable, Fast Template Engine for Go
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builtin_template_test.go (2984B)

      1 package tplc
      3 import (
      4 	"strconv"
      5 	"strings"
      6 	"testing"
      8 	""
      9 )
     11 func Test_renderTag(t *testing.T) {
     12 	tests := []struct {
     13 		name           string
     14 		src            string
     15 		plainText      bool
     16 		tagName        string
     17 		customHandlers map[string]TagHandler
     18 		useCustomOnly  bool
     19 		wantErr        bool
     20 		want           string
     21 	}{
     22 		{
     23 			"root document",
     24 			`<raw>fmt.Println("Hello, World!")</raw>`,
     25 			false,
     26 			"",
     27 			nil,
     28 			false,
     29 			false,
     30 			"fmt.Println(\"Hello, World!\")\n",
     31 		},
     32 		{
     33 			"with wrapper",
     34 			// When renderTags is called with tagName, starting tag is
     35 			// already parsed.
     36 			`<raw>fmt.Println("Hello, World!")</raw></wrapper>`,
     37 			false,
     38 			"wrapper",
     39 			nil,
     40 			false,
     41 			false,
     42 			"fmt.Println(\"Hello, World!\")\n",
     43 		},
     44 		{
     45 			"unknown tag with custom handler only flag",
     46 			`<div>Hello!</div></test>`,
     47 			false,
     48 			"test",
     49 			map[string]TagHandler{},
     50 			true,
     51 			true,
     52 			"",
     53 		},
     54 		{
     55 			"custom tag with standard tag",
     56 			`<raw>fmt.Println("Hello, World!")</raw>
     57 					<custom>Hi!</custom></test>`,
     58 			false,
     59 			"test",
     60 			map[string]TagHandler{
     61 				"custom": TagTestTransparent("custom"),
     62 			},
     63 			false,
     64 			false,
     65 			"fmt.Println(\"Hello, World!\")\nHi!",
     66 		},
     67 		{
     68 			"with self-closing content",
     69 			`<custom /></test>`,
     70 			false,
     71 			"test",
     72 			map[string]TagHandler{
     73 				"custom": func(b *Builder, w *Writer, t *htmlx.Tokenizer) error {
     74 					if t.CurrentType() != htmlx.SelfClosingTagToken {
     75 						w.WriteGoCode("Not Good")
     76 						return TagTestTransparent("custom")(b, w, t)
     77 					}
     78 					w.WriteGoCode("Good")
     79 					return nil
     80 				},
     81 			},
     82 			true,
     83 			false,
     84 			"Good",
     85 		},
     86 		{
     87 			"plain text",
     88 			`
     89     Hello, World!
     91     And this is second paragraph.
     92 </template>`,
     93 			true,
     94 			"template",
     95 			nil,
     96 			false,
     97 			false,
     98 			"w.WriteRaw(`\nHello, World!\n\nAnd this is second paragraph.\n`)\n",
     99 		},
    100 		{
    101 			"plain text with tag",
    102 			`
    103     Hello, <string>"World"</string>!
    104     And this is second line.
    105 </template>`,
    106 			true,
    107 			"template",
    108 			nil,
    109 			false,
    110 			false,
    111 			"w.WriteRaw(`\nHello, `)\n" +
    112 				"w.WriteString(\"World\")\n" +
    113 				"w.WriteRaw(`!\nAnd this is second line.\n`)\n",
    114 		},
    115 		{
    116 			"attributes binding",
    117 			`<a :href="href">Link</a></test>`,
    118 			false,
    119 			"test",
    120 			nil,
    121 			false,
    122 			false,
    123 			"w.WriteRaw(`<a href=\"`)\nw.WriteString(href)\nw.WriteRaw(`\">Link</a>`)\n",
    124 		},
    125 	}
    126 	for _, tt := range tests {
    127 		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
    128 			var (
    129 				writer    = NewTestWriter()
    130 				tokenizer = htmlx.NewTokenizer(strings.NewReader(tt.src))
    131 			)
    132 			err := renderTag(
    133 				writer.builder,
    134 				writer,
    135 				tokenizer,
    136 				tt.tagName,
    137 				tt.customHandlers,
    138 				tt.useCustomOnly,
    139 				tt.plainText,
    140 			)
    141 			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
    142 				t.Errorf("renderTag() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
    143 				return
    144 			}
    145 			if err != nil {
    146 				return
    147 			}
    148 			if got := writer.String(); got != tt.want {
    149 				t.Errorf("renderTag() got = %s, want = %s", strconv.Quote(got), strconv.Quote(tt.want))
    150 			}
    151 		})
    152 	}
    153 }