
Monads, For Golang, Using Generics
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select.go (555B)

      1 package slices
      3 // SelectFirst finds a item from beginning of slice and returns the first
      4 // matched item.
      5 func SelectFirst[T any](items []T, action func(T) bool) (result T, ok bool) {
      6 	for _, item := range items {
      7 		if action(item) {
      8 			return item, true
      9 		}
     10 	}
     11 	return
     12 }
     14 // SelectLast finds a item from ending of slice and returns the first
     15 // matched item.
     16 func SelectLast[T any](items []T, action func(T) bool) (result T, ok bool) {
     17 	for i := len(items) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
     18 		item := items[i]
     19 		if action(item) {
     20 			return item, true
     21 		}
     22 	}
     23 	return
     24 }