
high performance JSON encoder/decoder with stream API for Golang
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decode_stream_test.go (13937B)

      1 package gojay
      3 import (
      4 	"context"
      5 	"errors"
      6 	"io"
      7 	"testing"
      8 	"time"
     10 	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
     11 )
     13 // Basic Behaviour Tests
     14 //
     15 func TestDecoderImplementsContext(t *testing.T) {
     16 	var dec interface{} = &StreamDecoder{}
     17 	_ = dec.(context.Context)
     18 }
     20 func TestDecodeStreamNoReader(t *testing.T) {
     21 	dec := Stream.NewDecoder(nil)
     22 	dec.done = make(chan struct{}, 1)
     23 	testChan := ChannelStreamObjects(make(chan *TestObj))
     24 	go dec.DecodeStream(&testChan)
     26 	select {
     27 	case <-dec.Done():
     28 		assert.NotNil(t, dec.Err(), "dec.Err() should not be nil")
     29 		assert.Equal(t, "No reader given to decode stream", dec.Err().Error(), "dec.Err().Error() should not be 'No reader given to decode stream'")
     30 	case <-testChan:
     31 		assert.True(t, false, "should not be called as decoder should not return error right away")
     32 	}
     33 }
     35 //  Table Tests
     37 // Objects
     39 type StreamTestObject struct {
     40 	name         string
     41 	streamReader *StreamReader
     42 	expectations func(error, []*TestObj, *testing.T)
     43 }
     45 func TestStreamDecodingObjectsParallel(t *testing.T) {
     46 	var tests = []StreamTestObject{
     47 		{
     48 			name: "Stream objects",
     49 			streamReader: &StreamReader{
     50 				readChan: make(chan string),
     51 				done:     make(chan struct{}),
     52 				data: `
     53 					{"test":246,"test2":-246,"test3":"string"}
     54 					{"test":247,"test2":248,"test3":"string"}
     55 					{"test":777,"test2":456,"test3":"string"}
     56 					{"test":777,"test2":456,"test3":"string"}
     57 					{"test":777,"test2":456,"test3":"string"}
     58 					{"test":777,"test2":456,"test3":"string"}
     59 				`,
     60 			},
     61 			expectations: func(err error, result []*TestObj, t *testing.T) {
     62 				assert.Nil(t, err, "err should be nil")
     64 				assert.Equal(t, 246, result[0].test, "v[0].test should be equal to 246")
     65 				assert.Equal(t, -246, result[0].test2, "v[0].test2 should be equal to -247")
     66 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[0].test3, "v[0].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
     68 				assert.Equal(t, 247, result[1].test, "result[1].test should be equal to 246")
     69 				assert.Equal(t, 248, result[1].test2, "result[1].test2 should be equal to 248")
     70 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[1].test3, "result[1].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
     72 				assert.Equal(t, 777, result[2].test, "result[2].test should be equal to 777")
     73 				assert.Equal(t, 456, result[2].test2, "result[2].test2 should be equal to 456")
     74 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[2].test3, "result[2].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
     76 				assert.Equal(t, 777, result[3].test, "result[3].test should be equal to 777")
     77 				assert.Equal(t, 456, result[3].test2, "result[3].test2 should be equal to 456")
     78 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[3].test3, "result[3].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
     80 				assert.Equal(t, 777, result[4].test, "result[4].test should be equal to 777")
     81 				assert.Equal(t, 456, result[4].test2, "result[4].test2 should be equal to 456")
     82 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[4].test3, "result[4].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
     84 				assert.Equal(t, 777, result[5].test, "result[5].test should be equal to 777")
     85 				assert.Equal(t, 456, result[5].test2, "result[5].test2 should be equal to 456")
     86 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[5].test3, "result[5].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
     87 			},
     88 		},
     89 		{
     90 			name: "Stream test objects with null values",
     91 			streamReader: &StreamReader{
     92 				readChan: make(chan string),
     93 				done:     make(chan struct{}),
     94 				data: `
     95 					{"test":246,"test2":-246,"test3":"string"}
     96 					{"test":247,"test2":248,"test3":"string"}
     97 					null
     98 					{"test":777,"test2":456,"test3":"string"}
     99 					{"test":777,"test2":456,"test3":"string"}
    100 					{"test":777,"test2":456,"test3":"string"}
    101 				`,
    102 			},
    103 			expectations: func(err error, result []*TestObj, t *testing.T) {
    104 				assert.Nil(t, err, "err should be nil")
    106 				assert.Equal(t, 246, result[0].test, "v[0].test should be equal to 246")
    107 				assert.Equal(t, -246, result[0].test2, "v[0].test2 should be equal to -247")
    108 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[0].test3, "v[0].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
    110 				assert.Equal(t, 247, result[1].test, "result[1].test should be equal to 246")
    111 				assert.Equal(t, 248, result[1].test2, "result[1].test2 should be equal to 248")
    112 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[1].test3, "result[1].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
    114 				assert.Equal(t, 0, result[2].test, "result[2].test should be equal to 0 as input is null")
    115 				assert.Equal(t, 0, result[2].test2, "result[2].test2 should be equal to 0 as input is null")
    116 				assert.Equal(t, "", result[2].test3, "result[2].test3 should be equal to \"\" as input is null")
    118 				assert.Equal(t, 777, result[3].test, "result[3].test should be equal to 777")
    119 				assert.Equal(t, 456, result[3].test2, "result[3].test2 should be equal to 456")
    120 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[3].test3, "result[3].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
    122 				assert.Equal(t, 777, result[4].test, "result[4].test should be equal to 777")
    123 				assert.Equal(t, 456, result[4].test2, "result[4].test2 should be equal to 456")
    124 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[4].test3, "result[4].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
    126 				assert.Equal(t, 777, result[5].test, "result[5].test should be equal to 777")
    127 				assert.Equal(t, 456, result[5].test2, "result[5].test2 should be equal to 456")
    128 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[5].test3, "result[5].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
    129 			},
    130 		},
    131 		{
    132 			name: "Stream test starting with null values",
    133 			streamReader: &StreamReader{
    134 				readChan: make(chan string),
    135 				done:     make(chan struct{}),
    136 				data: `
    137 					null
    138 					{"test":246,"test2":-246,"test3":"string"}
    139 					{"test":247,"test2":248,"test3":"string"}
    140 				`,
    141 			},
    142 			expectations: func(err error, result []*TestObj, t *testing.T) {
    143 				assert.Nil(t, err, "err should be nil")
    144 				assert.Equal(t, 0, result[0].test, "result[0].test should be equal to 0 as input is null")
    145 				assert.Equal(t, 0, result[0].test2, "result[0].test2 should be equal to 0 as input is null")
    146 				assert.Equal(t, "", result[0].test3, "result[0].test3 should be equal to \"\" as input is null")
    148 				assert.Equal(t, 246, result[1].test, "v[1].test should be equal to 246")
    149 				assert.Equal(t, -246, result[1].test2, "v[1].test2 should be equal to -247")
    150 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[1].test3, "v[1].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
    152 				assert.Equal(t, 247, result[2].test, "result[2].test should be equal to 246")
    153 				assert.Equal(t, 248, result[2].test2, "result[2].test2 should be equal to 248")
    154 				assert.Equal(t, "string", result[2].test3, "result[2].test3 should be equal to \"string\"")
    155 			},
    156 		},
    157 		{
    158 			name: "Stream test invalid JSON",
    159 			streamReader: &StreamReader{
    160 				readChan: make(chan string),
    161 				done:     make(chan struct{}),
    162 				data: `
    163 					invalid json
    164 					{"test":246,"test2":-246,"test3":"string"}
    165 					{"test":247,"test2":248,"test3":"string"}
    166 				`,
    167 			},
    168 			expectations: func(err error, result []*TestObj, t *testing.T) {
    169 				assert.NotNil(t, err, "err is not nil as JSON is invalid")
    170 				assert.IsType(t, InvalidJSONError(""), err, "err is of type InvalidJSONError")
    171 				assert.Equal(t, "Invalid JSON, wrong char 'i' found at position 6", err.Error(), "err message is Invalid JSON")
    172 			},
    173 		},
    174 	}
    175 	for _, testCase := range tests {
    176 		testCase := testCase
    177 		t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
    178 			t.Parallel()
    179 			runStreamTestCaseObjects(t, testCase)
    180 		})
    181 	}
    182 }
    184 func runStreamTestCaseObjects(t *testing.T, testCase StreamTestObject) {
    185 	// create our channel which will receive our objects
    186 	testChan := ChannelStreamObjects(make(chan *TestObj))
    187 	dec := Stream.NewDecoder(testCase.streamReader)
    188 	// start decoding (will block the goroutine until something is written to the ReadWriter)
    189 	go dec.DecodeStream(&testChan)
    190 	// start writing to the ReadWriter
    191 	go testCase.streamReader.Write()
    192 	// prepare our result
    193 	result := []*TestObj{}
    194 loop:
    195 	for {
    196 		select {
    197 		case v := <-testChan:
    198 			result = append(result, v)
    199 		case <-dec.Done():
    200 			break loop
    201 		}
    202 	}
    203 	testCase.expectations(dec.Err(), result, t)
    204 }
    206 type ChannelStreamObjects chan *TestObj
    208 func (c *ChannelStreamObjects) UnmarshalStream(dec *StreamDecoder) error {
    209 	obj := &TestObj{}
    210 	if err := dec.AddObject(obj); err != nil {
    211 		return err
    212 	}
    213 	*c <- obj
    214 	return nil
    215 }
    217 // Strings
    218 type StreamTestString struct {
    219 	name         string
    220 	streamReader *StreamReader
    221 	expectations func(error, []*string, *testing.T)
    222 }
    224 func TestStreamDecodingStringsParallel(t *testing.T) {
    225 	var tests = []StreamTestString{
    226 		{
    227 			name: "Stream strings basic",
    228 			streamReader: &StreamReader{
    229 				readChan: make(chan string),
    230 				done:     make(chan struct{}),
    231 				data: `
    232 					"hello"
    233 					"world"
    234 					"!"
    235 				`,
    236 			},
    237 			expectations: func(err error, result []*string, t *testing.T) {
    238 				assert.Nil(t, err, "err should be nil")
    240 				assert.Equal(t, "hello", *result[0], "v[0] should be equal to 'hello'")
    241 				assert.Equal(t, "world", *result[1], "v[1] should be equal to 'world'")
    242 				assert.Equal(t, "!", *result[2], "v[2] should be equal to '!'")
    243 			},
    244 		},
    245 		{
    246 			name: "Stream strings with null",
    247 			streamReader: &StreamReader{
    248 				readChan: make(chan string),
    249 				done:     make(chan struct{}),
    250 				data: `
    251 					"hello"
    252 					null
    253 					"!"
    254 				`,
    255 			},
    256 			expectations: func(err error, result []*string, t *testing.T) {
    257 				assert.Nil(t, err, "err should be nil")
    259 				assert.Equal(t, "hello", *result[0], "v[0] should be equal to 'hello'")
    260 				assert.Equal(t, "", *result[1], "v[1] should be equal to ''")
    261 				assert.Equal(t, "!", *result[2], "v[2] should be equal to '!'")
    262 			},
    263 		},
    264 		{
    265 			name: "Stream strings invalid JSON",
    266 			streamReader: &StreamReader{
    267 				readChan: make(chan string),
    268 				done:     make(chan struct{}),
    269 				data: `
    270 					"hello"
    271 					world
    272 					"!"
    273 				`,
    274 			},
    275 			expectations: func(err error, result []*string, t *testing.T) {
    276 				assert.NotNil(t, err, "err should not be nil")
    278 				assert.IsType(t, InvalidJSONError(""), err, "err is of type InvalidJSONError")
    279 				assert.Equal(t, "Invalid JSON, wrong char 'w' found at position 6", err.Error(), "err message is Invalid JSON")
    280 			},
    281 		},
    282 	}
    283 	for _, testCase := range tests {
    284 		testCase := testCase
    285 		t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
    286 			t.Parallel()
    287 			runStreamTestCaseStrings(t, testCase)
    288 		})
    289 	}
    290 }
    292 func runStreamTestCaseStrings(t *testing.T, testCase StreamTestString) {
    293 	// create our channel which will receive our objects
    294 	testChan := ChannelStreamStrings(make(chan *string))
    295 	dec := Stream.NewDecoder(testCase.streamReader)
    296 	// start decoding (will block the goroutine until something is written to the ReadWriter)
    297 	go dec.DecodeStream(testChan)
    298 	// start writing to the ReadWriter
    299 	go testCase.streamReader.Write()
    300 	// prepare our result
    301 	result := []*string{}
    302 loop:
    303 	for {
    304 		select {
    305 		case v := <-testChan:
    306 			result = append(result, v)
    307 		case <-dec.Done():
    308 			break loop
    309 		}
    310 	}
    311 	testCase.expectations(dec.Err(), result, t)
    312 }
    314 func TestStreamDecodingErr(t *testing.T) {
    315 	testChan := ChannelStreamStrings(make(chan *string))
    316 	dec := Stream.NewDecoder(&StreamReaderErr{})
    317 	// start decoding (will block the goroutine until something is written to the ReadWriter)
    318 	go dec.DecodeStream(testChan)
    319 	select {
    320 	case <-dec.Done():
    321 		assert.NotNil(t, dec.Err(), "dec.Err() should not be nil")
    322 	case <-testChan:
    323 		assert.True(t, false, "should not be called")
    324 	}
    326 }
    328 type ChannelStreamStrings chan *string
    330 func (c ChannelStreamStrings) UnmarshalStream(dec *StreamDecoder) error {
    331 	str := ""
    332 	if err := dec.AddString(&str); err != nil {
    333 		return err
    334 	}
    335 	c <- &str
    336 	return nil
    337 }
    339 // StreamReader mocks a stream reading chunks of data
    340 type StreamReader struct {
    341 	writeCounter int
    342 	readChan     chan string
    343 	done         chan struct{}
    344 	data         string
    345 }
    347 func (r *StreamReader) Write() {
    348 	l := len(r.data)
    349 	t := 4
    350 	chunkSize := l / t
    351 	carry := 0
    352 	lastWrite := 0
    353 	for r.writeCounter < t {
    354 		time.Sleep(time.Duration(r.writeCounter*100) * time.Millisecond)
    355 		currentChunkStart := (chunkSize) * r.writeCounter
    356 		lastWrite = currentChunkStart + chunkSize
    357 		r.readChan <- r.data[currentChunkStart:lastWrite]
    358 		carry = l - lastWrite
    359 		r.writeCounter++
    360 	}
    361 	if carry > 0 {
    362 		r.readChan <- r.data[lastWrite:]
    363 	}
    364 	r.done <- struct{}{}
    365 }
    367 func (r *StreamReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
    368 	select {
    369 	case v := <-r.readChan:
    370 		n := copy(b, v)
    371 		return n, nil
    372 	case <-r.done:
    373 		return 0, io.EOF
    374 	}
    375 }
    377 type StreamReaderErr struct{}
    379 func (r *StreamReaderErr) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
    380 	return 0, errors.New("Test Error")
    381 }
    383 // Deadline test
    384 func TestStreamDecodingDeadline(t *testing.T) {
    385 	dec := Stream.NewDecoder(&StreamReader{})
    386 	now := time.Now()
    387 	dec.SetDeadline(now)
    388 	deadline, _ := dec.Deadline()
    389 	assert.Equal(t, now.String(), deadline.String(), "dec.now and now should be equal")
    390 	assert.Equal(t, now.String(), dec.deadline.String(), "dec.now and now should be equal")
    391 }
    393 func TestStreamDecodingDeadlineNotSet(t *testing.T) {
    394 	dec := Stream.NewDecoder(&StreamReader{})
    395 	_, isSet := dec.Deadline()
    396 	assert.Equal(t, false, isSet, "isSet should be false as deadline is not set")
    397 }
    399 // this test is only relevant for coverage
    400 func TestStreamDecodingValue(t *testing.T) {
    401 	dec := Stream.NewDecoder(&StreamReader{})
    402 	v := dec.Value("")
    403 	assert.Nil(t, v, "v should be nil")
    404 }
    406 func TestStreamDecodingErrNotSet(t *testing.T) {
    407 	dec := Stream.NewDecoder(&StreamReader{})
    408 	assert.Nil(t, dec.Err(), "dec.Err should be nim")
    409 }
    411 func TestStreamDecodingPoolError(t *testing.T) {
    412 	dec := Stream.BorrowDecoder(nil)
    413 	dec.Release()
    414 	defer func() {
    415 		err := recover()
    416 		assert.NotNil(t, err, "err shouldnt be nil")
    417 		assert.IsType(t, InvalidUsagePooledDecoderError(""), err, "err should be of type InvalidUsagePooledEncoderError")
    418 		assert.Equal(t, "Invalid usage of pooled decoder", err.(InvalidUsagePooledDecoderError).Error(), "err should be of type InvalidUsagePooledDecoderError")
    419 	}()
    420 	testChan := ChannelStreamStrings(make(chan *string))
    421 	_ = dec.DecodeStream(testChan)
    422 	assert.True(t, false, "should not be called as it should have panicked")
    423 }