
DreamHanks demo project
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acl.test.ts (3448B)

      1 import { ACL, ACLItem, resolveACL, validateACL } from '@/lib/security/acl'
      3 describe('ACL', () => {
      4   const tests: Array<{
      5     name: string
      6     token: { uid: number; aclGroup?: string[] } | null
      7     acl: ACLItem[]
      8     expected: boolean
      9   }> = [{
     10     name: 'should allow all',
     11     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     12     acl: [
     13       { cond: 'special:all', allow: true },
     14     ],
     15     expected: true,
     16   }, {
     17     name: 'should deny all',
     18     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     19     acl: [
     20       { cond: 'special:all', allow: false },
     21     ],
     22     expected: false,
     23   }, {
     24     name: 'should allow member',
     25     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     26     acl: [
     27       { cond: 'special:member', allow: true },
     28     ],
     29     expected: true,
     30   }, {
     31     name: 'should deny member',
     32     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     33     acl: [
     34       { cond: 'special:member', allow: false },
     35     ],
     36     expected: false,
     37   }, {
     38     name: 'should allow anon',
     39     token: null,
     40     acl: [
     41       { cond: 'special:anon', allow: true },
     42     ],
     43     expected: true,
     44   }, {
     45     name: 'should deny anon',
     46     token: null,
     47     acl: [
     48       { cond: 'special:anon', allow: false },
     49     ],
     50     expected: false,
     51   }, {
     52     name: 'should allow user',
     53     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     54     acl: [
     55       { cond: 'user:1', allow: true },
     56     ],
     57     expected: true,
     58   }, {
     59     name: 'should deny user',
     60     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     61     acl: [
     62       { cond: 'user:1', allow: false },
     63     ],
     64     expected: false,
     65   }, {
     66     name: 'should allow group',
     67     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     68     acl: [
     69       { cond: 'group:test', allow: true },
     70     ],
     71     expected: true,
     72   }, {
     73     name: 'should deny group',
     74     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     75     acl: [
     76       { cond: 'group:test', allow: false },
     77     ],
     78     expected: false,
     79   }, {
     80     name: 'should allow whitelisted user',
     81     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     82     acl: [
     83       { cond: 'special:all', allow: false },
     84       { cond: 'user:1', allow: true },
     85     ],
     86     expected: true,
     87   }, {
     88     name: 'should deny blacklisted user',
     89     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     90     acl: [
     91       { cond: 'special:all', allow: true },
     92       { cond: 'user:1', allow: false },
     93     ],
     94     expected: false,
     95   }, {
     96     name: 'should allow whitelisted group',
     97     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
     98     acl: [
     99       { cond: 'special:all', allow: false },
    100       { cond: 'group:test', allow: true },
    101     ],
    102     expected: true,
    103   }, {
    104     name: 'should deny blacklisted group',
    105     token: { uid: 1, aclGroup: ['test'] },
    106     acl: [
    107       { cond: 'special:all', allow: true },
    108       { cond: 'group:test', allow: false },
    109     ],
    110     expected: false,
    111   }]
    113   for (const test of tests) {
    114     it(test.name, () => {
    115       expect(resolveACL(test.token, { test: test.acl }, 'test'))
    116         .toBe(test.expected)
    117     })
    118   }
    119 })
    121 describe('Validate ACL', () => {
    122   const tests: Array<{
    123     name: string
    124     acl: object
    125     expected: boolean
    126   }> = [{
    127     name: 'should be valid',
    128     acl: {
    129       test: [
    130         { cond: 'special:all', allow: true },
    131         { cond: 'special:member', allow: true },
    132       ],
    133     },
    134     expected: true,
    135   }, {
    136     name: 'should be invalid',
    137     acl: {
    138       test: { cond: 'special:all', allow: true },
    139     },
    140     expected: false,
    141   }]
    143   for (const test of tests) {
    144     it(test.name, () => {
    145       expect(validateACL(test.acl))
    146         .toBe(test.expected)
    147     })
    148   }
    149 })
    151 export {}